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From the experience of DAVE Embedded Systems was developed ToloMEO, our first step into the future of embedded systems.

ToloMEO is a suite of software services that can be integrated on any DAVE Embedded Systems hardware product and, more generally, on any device.

The advantage of choosing ToloMEO is to adopt in a single solution both a hardware product and the most complete range of software solutions available on the market, which can be implemented according to the needs of the specific customer and project thanks to its modular structure.

ToloMEO allows everyone to create an account and have a number of basic services free of charge, the most important of which is the complete traceability service for all DAVE Embedded Systems products.

In addition, ToloMEO provides five software service modules on a subscription basis:

  • Internet of Things
  • Machine Learning
  • Industrial blockchain
  • Cybersecurity
  • Embedded Design Manager

Once the ToloMEO operating system has been installed on your edge and your Cloud account has been activated, thanks to a user-friendly administration interface, you can quickly and easily manage the services you want to enable. This allows customers to purchase a customised suite of services built around their specific needs, but freely deployable as soon as there is a need for an additional service.

ToloMEO is a tool designed in modular form, thanks to which it is possible to easily integrate third-party solutions so as not to lose the possibility of using services already familiar to the company.

In addition to its flexibility and scalable modularity, what makes ToloMEO stand out is the great autonomy of management that it grants to the end customer, always supported and guaranteed by DAVE Embedded Systems' 25 years of experience in hardware and software.


How ToloMEO works?

ToloMEO is a web-based platform that allows users to actively interact with remotely distributed edge devices in the field. Edge devices are configured with a special software distribution that partially or fully supports ToloMEO functionalities (depending on device resources).

Through a secure IoT connection, ToloMEO can configure the edge device according to the users' needs. Users have access to all ToloMEO functions and can design their fleet management by customising all aspects of ToloMEO.

What ToloMEO offers?

The flexibility of ToloMEO allows the integration of different modules, depending on the different needs of the customer or the specific project.
The basic one is the user and data management module. Then there are the IoT, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Security and Embedded Manager modules, each one with different levels of options.


IoT Module  IoT module

IoT Module  Machine Learning module

IoT Module  Blockchain module

IoT Module  Cybersecurity module

IoT Module  Embedded Manager module



ToloMEO EDGE is the operating system with Docker functionality. It is a slim and secure solution.
All additional functionality, such as OTA, is installed in containers.
A model container with libraries for connection to ToloMEO Cloud is provided.
Next to ToloMEO Edge is DESK. DESK is the development platform for the edge device, which allows the kernel and operating system to be configured and rebuilt using Yocto.


The IoT module allows a specially configured hardware device - this is done natively for DAVE Embedded Systems products - to connect to the Internet and connect different devices or systems via the Cloud.
ToloMEO IoT takes care of the background duties needed to establish a secure communication channel between the edge and the Cloud like provisioning with secure certs and keys, channel encryption, users and devices authentication and authorizations. 

ToloMEO provides predefined channels/streams/automations/API for:

  • device configuration (partial update, audit, versioning)
  • commands (realtime commands, offline command queue)
  • status (network connectivity, system errors, power supply, extendible to application status)
  • notifications: realtime channel for events/alarms/notifications
  • customizable data streams with offline management



ToloMEO Machine Learning

The data collected with ToloMEO IoT can be used to both infer and train AI models.
ToloMEO Machine Learning provides the necessary functionality for MLOps, both at the edge and in the Cloud, and a framework for federated and split learning between edge and Cloud.



ToloMEO Blockchain

ToloMEO Blockchain module can record data and events in a public authorized/certified blockchain.
Data recorded on blockchain have legal value and can be used for notary processes. ToloMEO blockchain manages the deployment of smart contracts to automate digital transactions.




ToloMEO Cybersecurity

ToloMEO is designed and developed to be compliant with the most regulated market like medical, avionics and space.
ToloMEO modules are extensively tested and monitored for bugs. Bugs can be easily fixed using the OTA update of the edge devices and the strong management of the authentication processes allow the administrators to block malign users or devices.




ToloMEO Embedded Manager

The PMS (Product Management System) is a service available free of charge to obtain production information from our production sites. PMS provides you with information on production lots for the traceability requirements of regulated markets such as the medical device market.
With ToloMEO PMS we want to increase transparency in our manufacturing processes.
Also, the PMA is integrated with RMA and Support, so you can get real-time information on your tickets.


How ToloMEO is made?


ToloMEO is composed by:

  • Web APP for:
    • User and Project Management
    • Data Management
    • UI front end
  • Edge device image for cloud communication and interoperability

The UI front end can be customized by customers directly. Additionally, customers can interact with ToloMEO via APIs and design their own Web APP.

Design Principles

Ready-to-use but customizable

ToloMEO is ready-to-use but at the same time you can customize it to fit your design.
You save development time and your product has faster access to the market.
You reduce development upfront costs and you can tune your costs based on the module you need.
You increase the quality of your solution leveraging the extensive tests made on the ToloMEO platform on regulated markets and on previous developed solutions.


ToloMEO is spread from the edge hardware to the Cloud service. With ToloMEO you can develop seamless and painless applications integrating hardware and software from the edge to the Cloud. ToloMEO uses the power available on the edge board like graphics and video accelerator and machine learning modules and extends them with the services available on the Cloud.

Innovative / integrated

ToloMEO is integrated with many proprietary and third party services. 
We mix the most innovative technical features from the silicon vendor and extend them with the Cloud world. Some examples are:

  • natively integrated blockchain to validate transactions on the edge and on the main chain
  • Machine Learning for training and inference designed for mixed (Cloud, fog, edge) environments with functionalities like split learning and federated learning using the hardware NN accelerators


Our boards are designed to last long and to be supported with long life programs.
We follow the best quality standards on hardware and software design and manufacturer to provide you the best product. Everything is tested to be secure and reliable. ToloMEO is designed for regulated markets and it follows high demanding quality standards.
We proactively monitor the systems performance in the market to find problems and with the OTA modules we can fix or mitigate most of the problems.


ToloMEO is designed for regulated markets like Healthcare and Space. DATA Management is very crucial for us, for this reason we have defined different levels of data protection and management - then it is up to you to get them in order to get the best security level!


For more information, please contact our sales department by filling in the form below

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